Source code for volatility3.framework.symbols.linux

# This file is Copyright 2019 Volatility Foundation and licensed under the Volatility Software License 1.0
# which is available at
from typing import Iterator, List, Tuple, Optional, Union

from volatility3 import framework
from volatility3.framework import constants, exceptions, interfaces, objects
from volatility3.framework.objects import utility
from volatility3.framework.symbols import intermed
from volatility3.framework.symbols.linux import extensions

[docs]class LinuxKernelIntermedSymbols(intermed.IntermediateSymbolTable): provides = {"type": "interface"} def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Set-up Linux specific types self.set_type_class("file", extensions.struct_file) self.set_type_class("list_head", extensions.list_head) self.set_type_class("mm_struct", extensions.mm_struct) self.set_type_class("super_block", extensions.super_block) self.set_type_class("task_struct", extensions.task_struct) self.set_type_class("vm_area_struct", extensions.vm_area_struct) self.set_type_class("qstr", extensions.qstr) self.set_type_class("dentry", extensions.dentry) self.set_type_class("fs_struct", extensions.fs_struct) self.set_type_class("files_struct", extensions.files_struct) self.set_type_class("kobject", extensions.kobject) self.set_type_class("cred", extensions.cred) self.set_type_class("kernel_cap_struct", extensions.kernel_cap_struct) # Might not exist in the current symbols self.optional_set_type_class("module", extensions.module) self.optional_set_type_class("bpf_prog", extensions.bpf_prog) # Mount self.set_type_class("vfsmount", extensions.vfsmount) # Might not exist in older kernels or the current symbols self.optional_set_type_class("mount", extensions.mount) self.optional_set_type_class("mnt_namespace", extensions.mnt_namespace) # Network self.set_type_class("net", self.set_type_class("socket", extensions.socket) self.set_type_class("sock", extensions.sock) self.set_type_class("inet_sock", extensions.inet_sock) self.set_type_class("unix_sock", extensions.unix_sock) # Might not exist in older kernels or the current symbols self.optional_set_type_class("netlink_sock", extensions.netlink_sock) self.optional_set_type_class("vsock_sock", extensions.vsock_sock) self.optional_set_type_class("packet_sock", extensions.packet_sock) self.optional_set_type_class("bt_sock", extensions.bt_sock) self.optional_set_type_class("xdp_sock", extensions.xdp_sock) # Only found in 6.1+ kernels self.optional_set_type_class("maple_tree", extensions.maple_tree)
[docs]class LinuxUtilities(interfaces.configuration.VersionableInterface): """Class with multiple useful linux functions.""" _version = (2, 1, 0) _required_framework_version = (2, 0, 0) framework.require_interface_version(*_required_framework_version) @classmethod def _get_path_file(cls, task, filp) -> str: """Returns the file pathname relative to the task's root directory. Args: task (task_struct): A reference task filp (file *): A pointer to an open file Returns: str: File pathname relative to the task's root directory. """ rdentry = task.fs.get_root_dentry() rmnt = task.fs.get_root_mnt() vfsmnt = filp.get_vfsmnt() dentry = filp.get_dentry() return cls.do_get_path(rdentry, rmnt, dentry, vfsmnt)
[docs] @classmethod def get_path_mnt(cls, task, mnt) -> str: """Returns the mount point pathname relative to the task's root directory. Args: task (task_struct): A reference task mnt (vfsmount or mount): A mounted filesystem or a mount point. - kernels < 3.3.8 type is 'vfsmount' - kernels >= 3.3.8 type is 'mount' Returns: str: Pathname of the mount point relative to the task's root directory. """ rdentry = task.fs.get_root_dentry() rmnt = task.fs.get_root_mnt() vfsmnt = mnt.get_vfsmnt_current() dentry = mnt.get_dentry_current() return cls.do_get_path(rdentry, rmnt, dentry, vfsmnt)
[docs] @classmethod def do_get_path(cls, rdentry, rmnt, dentry, vfsmnt) -> Union[None, str]: """Returns a pathname of the mount point or file It mimics the Linux kernel prepend_path function. Args: rdentry (dentry *): A pointer to the root dentry rmnt (vfsmount *): A pointer to the root vfsmount dentry (dentry *): A pointer to the dentry vfsmnt (vfsmount *): A pointer to the vfsmount Returns: str: Pathname of the mount point or file """ path_reversed = [] while dentry != rdentry or not vfsmnt.is_equal(rmnt): if dentry == vfsmnt.get_mnt_root() or dentry.is_root(): # Escaped? if dentry != vfsmnt.get_mnt_root(): break # Global root? if not vfsmnt.has_parent(): break dentry = vfsmnt.get_dentry_parent() vfsmnt = vfsmnt.get_vfsmnt_parent() continue parent = dentry.d_parent dname = dentry.d_name.name_as_str() path_reversed.append(dname.strip("/")) dentry = parent path = "/" + "/".join(reversed(path_reversed)) return path
@classmethod def _get_new_sock_pipe_path(cls, context, task, filp) -> str: """Returns the sock pipe pathname relative to the task's root directory. Args: context: The context to retrieve required elements (layers, symbol tables) from task (task_struct): A reference task filp (file *): A pointer to a sock pipe open file Returns: str: Sock pipe pathname relative to the task's root directory. """ dentry = filp.get_dentry() kernel_module = cls.get_module_from_volobj_type(context, dentry) sym_addr = dentry.d_op.d_dname symbs = list(kernel_module.get_symbols_by_absolute_location(sym_addr)) if len(symbs) == 1: sym = symbs[0].split(constants.BANG)[1] if sym == "sockfs_dname": pre_name = "socket" elif sym == "anon_inodefs_dname": pre_name = "anon_inode" elif sym == "pipefs_dname": pre_name = "pipe" elif sym == "simple_dname": pre_name = cls._get_path_file(task, filp) else: pre_name = f"<unsupported d_op symbol: {sym}>" ret = f"{pre_name}:[{dentry.d_inode.i_ino:d}]" else: ret = f"<invalid d_dname pointer> {sym_addr:x}" return ret
[docs] @classmethod def path_for_file(cls, context, task, filp) -> str: """Returns a file (or sock pipe) pathname relative to the task's root directory. A 'file' structure doesn't have enough information to properly restore its full path we need the root mount information from task_struct to determine this Args: context: The context to retrieve required elements (layers, symbol tables) from task (task_struct): A reference task filp (file *): A pointer to an open file Returns: str: A file (or sock pipe) pathname relative to the task's root directory. """ # Memory smear protection: Check that both the file and dentry pointers are valid. try: dentry = filp.get_dentry() dentry.is_root() except exceptions.InvalidAddressException: return "" if dentry == 0: return "" dname_is_valid = False # TODO COMPARE THIS IN LSOF OUTPUT TO VOL2 try: if ( dentry.d_op and dentry.d_op.has_member("d_dname") and dentry.d_op.d_dname ): dname_is_valid = True except exceptions.InvalidAddressException: dname_is_valid = False if dname_is_valid: ret = LinuxUtilities._get_new_sock_pipe_path(context, task, filp) else: ret = LinuxUtilities._get_path_file(task, filp) return ret
[docs] @classmethod def files_descriptors_for_process( cls, context: interfaces.context.ContextInterface, symbol_table: str, task: interfaces.objects.ObjectInterface, ): # task.files can be null if not task.files: return fd_table = task.files.get_fds() if fd_table == 0: return max_fds = task.files.get_max_fds() # corruption check if max_fds > 500000: return file_type = symbol_table + constants.BANG + "file" fds = objects.utility.array_of_pointers( fd_table, count=max_fds, subtype=file_type, context=context ) for fd_num, filp in enumerate(fds): if filp != 0: full_path = LinuxUtilities.path_for_file(context, task, filp) yield fd_num, filp, full_path
[docs] @classmethod def mask_mods_list( cls, context: interfaces.context.ContextInterface, layer_name: str, mods: Iterator[interfaces.objects.ObjectInterface], ) -> List[Tuple[str, int, int]]: """ A helper function to mask the starting and end address of kernel modules """ mask = context.layers[layer_name].address_mask return [ ( utility.array_to_string(, mod.get_module_base() & mask, (mod.get_module_base() & mask) + mod.get_core_size(), ) for mod in mods ]
[docs] @classmethod def generate_kernel_handler_info( cls, context: interfaces.context.ContextInterface, kernel_module_name: str, mods_list: Iterator[interfaces.objects.ObjectInterface], ) -> List[Tuple[str, int, int]]: """ A helper function that gets the beginning and end address of the kernel module """ kernel = context.modules[kernel_module_name] mask = context.layers[kernel.layer_name].address_mask start_addr = kernel.object_from_symbol("_text") start_addr = start_addr.vol.offset & mask end_addr = kernel.object_from_symbol("_etext") end_addr = end_addr.vol.offset & mask return [ (constants.linux.KERNEL_NAME, start_addr, end_addr) ] + LinuxUtilities.mask_mods_list(context, kernel.layer_name, mods_list)
[docs] @classmethod def lookup_module_address( cls, kernel_module: interfaces.context.ModuleInterface, handlers: List[Tuple[str, int, int]], target_address: int, ): """ Searches between the start and end address of the kernel module using target_address. Returns the module and symbol name of the address provided. """ mod_name = "UNKNOWN" symbol_name = "N/A" for name, start, end in handlers: if start <= target_address <= end: mod_name = name if name == constants.linux.KERNEL_NAME: symbols = list( kernel_module.get_symbols_by_absolute_location(target_address) ) if len(symbols): symbol_name = ( symbols[0].split(constants.BANG)[1] if constants.BANG in symbols[0] else symbols[0] ) break return mod_name, symbol_name
[docs] @classmethod def walk_internal_list(cls, vmlinux, struct_name, list_member, list_start): while list_start: list_struct = vmlinux.object( object_type=struct_name, offset=list_start.vol.offset ) yield list_struct list_start = getattr(list_struct, list_member)
[docs] @classmethod def container_of( cls, addr: int, type_name: str, member_name: str, vmlinux: interfaces.context.ModuleInterface, ) -> Optional[interfaces.objects.ObjectInterface]: """Cast a member of a structure out to the containing structure. It mimicks the Linux kernel macro container_of() see include/linux.kernel.h Args: addr: The pointer to the member. type_name: The type of the container struct this is embedded in. member_name: The name of the member within the struct. vmlinux: The kernel symbols object Returns: The constructed object or None """ if not addr: return type_dec = vmlinux.get_type(type_name) member_offset = type_dec.relative_child_offset(member_name) container_addr = addr - member_offset return vmlinux.object( object_type=type_name, offset=container_addr, absolute=True )
[docs] @classmethod def get_module_from_volobj_type( cls, context: interfaces.context.ContextInterface, volobj: interfaces.objects.ObjectInterface, ) -> interfaces.context.ModuleInterface: """Get the vmlinux from a vol obj Args: context: The context to retrieve required elements (layers, symbol tables) from volobj (vol object): A vol object Raises: ValueError: If it cannot obtain any module from the symbol table Returns: A kernel object (vmlinux) """ symbol_table_arr = volobj.vol.type_name.split("!", 1) symbol_table = symbol_table_arr[0] if len(symbol_table_arr) == 2 else None module_names = context.modules.get_modules_by_symbol_tables(symbol_table) module_names = list(module_names) if not module_names: raise ValueError(f"No module using the symbol table '{symbol_table}'") kernel_module_name = module_names[0] kernel = context.modules[kernel_module_name] return kernel